Week 4 Reflection
During the first class of week 4, we learned topic 3(Design Principles and Guidelines). The lecturer reached about what is principles and guidelines and difference between them. The lecturer also show the guidelines from Apple websites.
For the second class of the week 4, we present the class activity about 10 Usability Heuristics for Apple websites and websites related to UPM. For that activity, I chose PutraBlast websites.
My reflection: This guidelines will help us to recognize the characteristics of a good interface. If the system fulfilled all the guidelines here, it will increase the possibility of users giving positive reaction to the system. This is because the guidelines help the users to process information efficiently, finding information they want easily, able to recover from mistakes, their attention grabbed, optimize their memory and many more. This is one of the reason why most system that missing lots of components in this guidelines usually have bad user experience or reviews.
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