Week 11 Reflection

For first class of week 11, we learn about testing. Testing is the phase after the prototype phase. In testing phase there are several steps. First step is test preparation. Second step is conduct the test with potential users. Third step is document the results of testing. Lastly, is infer learning where we see what we have learn from the testing so that we would not repeat the mistakes what we have done again. 

We do testing so that we can improve the design of our system. For testing, we need to prepare. First we need to set our objective so we don't get carried away. Then we decide what we want to test, where we want test and when we want to test.

Types of testing are controlled setting that involve users, natural settings that involve users and any kind of setting that does not involve users

For the second class of the week, we still learn about testing. For this class, we learn about evaluation part. We need to select evaluators that is expert with the field we want to test. For example we want to test history app, we need to hire evaluators that expert in history field. 

My reflection: From this topic, I able to recognize what I need to do for testing report of our group project. For our project, we decide to do testing using our high fidelity prototype with our target users through online as we currently in pandemic. Below are the criteria of participants in our testing.


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