Week 9 Reflection

 We don't have class on the first session of the week. For the second class, we watch some YouTube videos about ideation process. Then we write about what we learn from the videos on padlet 

From the videos, I've learn:

1. First technique is Crazy 8s. In this technique, we take a piece of A4 paper, fold it into half for three times. After we unfold it, there were 8 segments produced. Write your idea in each of the segment. We take 1 minute to brainstorm in each segment, so total 8 minutes for all of the segments. We use this technique to avoid overthinking. 

2. In ideate, we want quantity, diversity and generate. We will decide about the quality later. We want every voice at the table because generally there were many introverts in a room, so we want to get ideas from all of them. In ideation phase we need novelty over relevance. We can use many ways during ideation process, for example, mind map, sketches, skits, storyboard, game storm and charrettes.

3. Lastly, in this technique we have 5 steps, gather all materials, find relationships, forget it all, eureka! Moment and get critique/ assess it. We gather as many ideas, group them. Then we take time to forget about it. After that we group with the team and come up with new idea. Last, we take one idea and discuss it. 


My reflection: There are many technique that can be used for ideation phase. Each technique have their own advantages and we need to choose technique that is most suitable for our project. Our group members were very interested in Crazy 8's technique, so this technique might be used for ideation phase in our project.


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